Acupuncture is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. These acu-points are located along energy meridians that circulate energy or vitality or Qi through the related organs and parts of the body. By inserting needles or applying other TCM techniques (Guasha, Moxibustion and Cupping), acupuncture aims to unblock and restore the flow of energy through the imbalanced organs thereby stimulating healing.
Acupuncture is used to address a wide range of health conditions including:
Pain management (e.g injuries, arthritis, migraines, and back pain)
Hormonal & fertility health
Anxiety and stress reduction
Internal health & chronic disease management
The RHOW Acupuncture Clinic is housed in a dedicated, serene space that promotes deep healing and relaxation. The Acupuncture team consists of licensed Acupuncturists with years of experience in treating simple to complex health issues and providing complementary care alongside conventional medical treatments.